Margy Ross and Bob Becker founded DecisionWorks Consulting in 1994, along with Nancy Rinn. For over 35 years, we’ve helped organizations leverage the information that’s collected by their operational systems to make better business decisions.
We pioneered this industry; our focus has been steadfast! We co-authored the best-selling Kimball Toolkit books on dimensional modeling and DW/BI methodology with Ralph Kimball. We’ve taught our best practices to tens of thousands of students, including over a decade via Kimball University. And we’ve consulted with hundreds of clients. That’s why we are the industry leaders in DW/BI methodology, design and education, especially when it comes to dimensional modeling. Although many competitors are larger, none were more experienced or relentlessly practical.
In 2003, DecisionWorks Consulting began doing business as The Kimball Group with Ralph and Julie Kimball, Joy Mundy, and the late Warren Thornthwaite. While the Kimball Group ceased operations at the end of 2015, the legacy lives on. DecisionWorks continues to offer the same vendor-independent DW/BI consulting and education services. You can still tap into their decades of experience!

Margy Ross is President of DecisionWorks Consulting. She has focused exclusively on DW/BI since 1982 with an emphasis on business requirements and dimensional modeling. She co-authored The Data Warehouse Toolkit, The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, and The Kimball Group Reader with Ralph Kimball. Margy graduated with a BS in Industrial Engineering from Northwestern University.

Bob Becker helped clients across a variety of industries with their DW/BI challenges and solutions since 1991. He also co-authored The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit. Bob has a BSB in Marketing from the University of Minnesota’s School of Business. Bob retired from DecisionWorks at the end of 2017.

Nancy Rinn is DecisionWorks’ Communication Coordinator. Her data warehouse roots date back to the 1980s. Nancy has BAs in both History and Social Sciences from the University of Minnesota.