Perhaps it’s just coincidental, but several people have asked a similar question recently. “Should the DW or BI team gather requirements from the business?” Honestly, this question makes the hair start to stand up on the back of my neck. I’m concerned that too many organizations have overly compartmentalized their data warehouse and business intelligence teams. Of course, […]
Project/Program Planning
Intelligent Enterprise published an article entitled “The Bottom-Up Misnomer” in their latest September 17th issue. I wrote this article with Ralph several months ago. While it’s been working through the publishing pipeline, an industry newsletter has sparked more bottom-up versus top-down discussion. Everyone seems to feel qualified to explain the Kimball approach. Unfortunately, they sometimes spread misunderstandings and continue […]
As data warehouse designers, you know how important a business executive sponsor is to your initiative. After focusing on data warehousing for the past two decades, I’m convinced that strong business sponsorship is the leading make-or-break indicator of data warehouse success. Having the so-called right sponsor can overcome a multitude of shortcomings, such as difficulties […]
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